Interview with Zia Soares


"There isn't an European reality without Africa, nor an African reality without Europe"

"There are many discourses that have been wiped out of History and have been so far invisible and unheard. But the most erased discourse of History is that of the black woman."


"The theatre company from which I am the Director is not just about criticizing the Afro-European identity. For me, the stage is a space of transgression"




Biographical Note

Zia Soares was born in Angola and is now an actress and artistic director of the Griot Theater in Lisbon. This theatre company is dedicated to the exploration of relevant themes for the construction and problematization of the contemporary Afro-European identity. The artist is also Vice-president of the Black Woman Institute in Portugal (INMUNE).



Interview with African-European Narratives
(conducted by Cláudia Madeira; video editing by João Meirinhos) ©2018.