ncontramos un desierton- we found a desert Berry-Jerome-Lazy cornel Francis and-y vida Guzmán Corpa
Son las palabras de Alain Badiou las que tomamos, las que al comienzo nos permiten hablar desde la usencia, y es el baile lo que nos traslada al desierto en el que nos encontramos…
Why are you afraid? Se escucha al final, es Lazy-Berry-Jerome quien lo dice…
It is the words of Alain Badiou that we take, those that at the beginning allow us to speak from the absense, and it is the dance that transports us to the desert in which we find ourselves ...
Why are you afraid? You hear it at the end, it's Lazy-Berry-Jerome who says it ...
Why are you afraid? Se escucha al final, es Lazy-Berry-Jerome quien lo dice…
It is the words of Alain Badiou that we take, those that at the beginning allow us to speak from the absense, and it is the dance that transports us to the desert in which we find ourselves ...
Why are you afraid? You hear it at the end, it's Lazy-Berry-Jerome who says it ...